A laser printer, upper and lower case font, MarkerFeltThin makes typed messages look as if they'd been spontaneously hand printed. MarkerFeltThin gives messages urging immediacy a casual, personal touch by looking as if the copy was handwritten with a fine-point felt-tip marker.
Use for eye-catching notices, ad display or to convey spontaneous, impulsive expression. Use it for copy needing to convey messages of: urgency, immediacy or "take notice." Instead of reaching for a trusted (hopefully capped) felt-tip pen loaded with permanent ink to scrawl impulsive messages, you now can reach for the keyboard and click away.
Screen fonts: 24, 36, 48, 60. Works well with ATM. Move printer file into the system folder, and install screen font via SuitCase or DA Mover etc. Best at large sizes.
Normal keyboard strokes will produce numbers, the hyphen and = sign, and these shifted symbols above numbers: ! $ * % & ( ) +. I used the < and > keystrokes to produce superscripted numbers of 00 and 99 to give better visual effect when wanting to show prices ending this way: $3.99, $4.99 or $5.00 etc.
Punctuation uses normal keyboard strokes for: : ; , . / and ?. Double quotes before and after are handled by the Mac's seldom used and often undiscovered built in keystrokes for making curly quotes instead of typewriter looking quotes: Option-[ types a beginning double quote and Option-Shift-[ types an end double quote. Option-] types a single beginning quote and Option-Shift-] types an end single quote.
Try and ENJOY!.......then if you use it, honor the shareware fee of $10 and note if you're using Type 1 or TrueType. I'd also like to know where you downloaded/obtained the font: AOL, CompuServe, a MacUsers' Group or BBS, Shareware Disk or CD-Service, etc. If you SHARE this font, please include all files and documents in one folder. I'm especially pleased with response from professional DTP users AND MacUser Group and BBSs members. Fonts are available both in Type 1 and True Type Formats on AOL and CompuServe.
I currently teach drawing, painting, printmaking, year book DTP, and commercial art to future artists, possibly typographers (alias) high school students; and produce serious art for local, regional and national juried exhibitions, and I golf. I enjoy receiving samples/copies of work in which my fonts were used (an ad, layout, poster, brochure, newsletter etc.). I show the works to students -- they enjoy seeing what real people are really doing in the real world today with computers, DTPublishing and graphic design, especially on a Mac.
Comments, suggestions… both bricks and bouquets always welcome to
Pat or Gail at the above address or:
CompuServe: 76307,2431.
America Online: Rps82
Hint: a software library search entering Rps82 will list all of my fonts
except OregonWet which is under Rps8. On CServe search/find 76307,2431.
Since creating my first font SnyderSpeed Brush (11/91 v.1 upper case only), the encouragement of shareware fees and/or input from users, allowed me to update SnyderSpeed by adding lower case (1/92), plus create OregonWet (on AOL's Nov. 91 top download's list), OregonDry, MarkerFeltThin 2/92, MarkerFeltWide 4/92 (used by Aldus Magazine's "New Comics" article, pgs.18-20 July/Aug '92 issue) and StarsAndStripes 7/92; updates to MarkerFelt Thin v2, MFWide v2 and (SnyderSpeed Brush v3 9/92 and ComicsCartoon 10/92, both top downloads; NeedlePointSew 11/92.